Allergic reactions to hamsters

Allergic reactions to hamsters |
It is often thought by many people that handling an animal covered in fur or feathers usually trigger an allergic reaction, this is not the case. However, one of the major causes of allergic reactions in humans to animals is not the hair or fur but what is actually under it. If you are allergic to one kind of animal then the chances are you will be allergic to any other animal that carries feathers or fur. Any furred or feathered animal is a potential source of animal allergens. It is the small scales of dead or old skin particles shed from the animal that causes a reaction. These very small, and sometimes microscopic particles, are known as dander, it is very similar to dandruff on humans but only much smaller. Dander occurs naturally as the epidermis, this is the outer layer of skin, renews itself. Dander can have from a mild to a severe allergic reaction in sensitive individuals that can range from inflammation or irritation of the nose and eyes to asthma attacks. Dander is so small and light it can remain airborne for very long periods of time. Its ability to remain airborne and spread to all areas of the house can make it extremely difficult to control.
The animals’ hair or fur is not considered to be a very significant allergen. Older animals usually produce more dander than younger ones, as they age older animals skin becomes drier.
Individual pets can produce more or less dander. Household pets such as rabbits, rats, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs can also produce allergic reactions from their dried saliva and urine, once dry these fluids become airborne.
It is thought by many that buying a short haired hamster may have a lesser effect of producing allergens than a long haired one. However, it is a myth as there is no relationship between the hamsters hair length and allergen production. Allergic reactions in hamsters
Sadly, as yet there is no known non-allergenic breed of hamsters or other animals. If you or your children have any allergic reaction to any other animal or birds then seek medical advice before acquiring a hamster. See Kids and pets
Allergic to hamsters