A Hamster with a Swollen Abdomen

There are a number of ailments that can cause the abdomen of the hamster to become distended (swollen, or extended) Some of those causes may be Constipation, Cyst, a Tumour, an Abscesses, Pyometra, Fecal impaction, or Ascites
Cysts, tumors and abscesses rarely tend to be symmetrical (meaning both sides of the abdomen.) A swelling on one side of the abdomen only may indicate one of these problems. The hamster seen in the video below has a closed Pyometra. This is an infection of the uterus, where the abdomen (stomach) will become swollen.

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hamster with swollen abdomen

A Hamster with a Swollen Abdomen. The Cause of the abdominal swelling here is a build up of fluid from the infected uterus (Pyometra) that cannot escape, this is known as a closed Pyometra


Peritonitis can cause swelling of the abdomen. This is a build up of body fluid in the peritoneum: Primary peritonitis: is an infection in the blood it occurs most commonly in individuals with liver disease, Kidney damage, or a Pelvic inflammatory disease. Fluids can accumulate in the abdomen creating a prime environment for the growth of infectious microorganisms.
It is important to note that while these body fluids are sterile at first. They frequently become infected once they leak out of their organ, this can lead to infectious peritonitis.
Peritonitis can also result from perforation, tear, or damage to a part of the intestine. The contents can escape then leak into the peritoneum which then becomes infected (secondary peritonitis)
Peritonitis can also stop the movement of bowel contents (known as peristalsis) this can block the bowel (paralytic ileus) Other possible complications are septicaemia: blood poisoning, lung, kidney or liver failure.
The prognosis for peritonitis depends primarily on the type of the condition. For example, the outlook for those with secondary peritonitis tends to be poor. For individuals with primary peritonitis related to liver disease also tends to be poor.






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